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The Original Concrete Waterer

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Cattle Waterers - Small
Livestock Waterers
Combination Waterers
Horse Waterers
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What's New
1. Lower Arm
2. Upper Arm
3. Base Screw
4. Plunger
5. Plunger Seat

Top Sellers
1. Thermostat - Adjustable
2. Heater Large 1000 Watts 120V
3. 4" x 5" Copper Float
4. Drain Plug #15
5. 6 in. Stainless Steel Float Rod

Please Call Our Office To Place Your Order: 1-712-263-2442 or 1-800-832-7383



Darrel Phillips
242 N. Walker, PO Box 357
Haxtun, CO 80731
(970)774-7555 cell: (970)520-0800
email: dphillip@pctelcom.coop

Western Farm Sales
10864 88th St. SE
Oakes ND 58474
(800)635-3293 fax: (701)742-2495
email: western@drtel.net

2-W Livestock
1530 21st Ave., PO Box 430
Nanton, AB Canada TOL1RO
(403)646-2133 fax: (403)646-2136
email: sales@two-w.com 
website: www.two-w.com 

Kalmes Implement Co.
200 South Main PO Box 188
Altura, MN 55910
(507)796-6741 fax: (507)796-5445
email: kalmes@kalmesimplement.com 
website: www.kalmesimplement.com 

Wiles Sales
10273 Mt. Hope Rd.
Carson City, MI 48811
(800)584-1076 fax: (989)584-6449
email: wilessales@wilessales.com 
website: www.wilessales.com

QC Supply
E. Hiway 12 PO Box 250
Willmar, MN 56201
(800)-224-3613 fax: (320)235-0461
email: qcsupply@qcsupply.com
website: www.qcsupply.com

Dance Farm Supply & Steel
5720 U.S. 50 West
Hillsboro, Ohio 45133

website: www.dancefarmsupply.com

Larsen Ranch Shop
544 Irvine Rd. PO Box 921
Douglas, WY 82633
(307)358-5073 cell: (307)351-5073

Weiller & Williams
Box 13 Group 220 RR2
Winnipeg, MB R3C 2E6
(800)663-0936 fax: (204)694-4640
email: dick@wwlivestockproducts.com 
website: www.wwlivestockproducts.com

Western Ranch Supply
7305 Entry Way Drive
Billings, MT 59101
(800)548-7270 fax:(406)252-7282
website: www.westernranchsupply.com

Ramsey Ranch Supply
83151 Hwy 281
Bartlett, NE 68622
(308)654-3456 or (308)750-4307

website: www.ramseyranchsupply.com 

ASAP Interiors, LLC
5251 Fearon Road
Morrisville, NY 13408
email: asapinteriors@frontier.com


The Durability of a Petersen Livestock Waterer does not rely solely on the 3/8" welded rebar cages and the 5000 P.S.I, strength concrete. Petersen's air-entrained concrete is designed for expansion and contraction during temperature changes to eliminate cracking and deterioration. Our five year warranty insures you that once you own a Petersen Concrete Waterer, Your worries are over !

Made in the USA
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Copyright © 2005 - 2025  Petersen Manufacturing Company, INC. All rights reserved.
2471 Hwy 30, P.O. Box 664
Denison, IA 51442
712·263·2442 or 1·800·832·7383

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